Thursday, September 19, 2019

unit 20 Ownership cross media

The basic structure of a vertically and horizontally integrated cross media company.

Along the vertical axis are the conglomerate company’s other companies that have the ability to plan and produce a media product, and facilitate the audience to access download and watch the product.

Along the horizontal axis there will be a number of subsidiary companies across various media sectors that will be utilised to ensure the product has maximum exposure to the public.

In regards to the film sector Lucy Kung also calls vertical and horizontal integration the film value.



  In the United Kingdom, the term "public service broadcasting" refers to broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than to serve purely commercial interests.


 Cross-media marketing is a form of cross-promotion in which promotional companies commit to surpassing traditional advertisement techniques and decide to include extra appeals to the products they offer.


In microeconomics and management, vertical integration is an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company. Usually each member of the supply chain produces a different product or service, and the products combine to satisfy a common need.

Horizontal integration is the process of a company increasing production of goods or services at the same part of the supply chain. A company may do this via internal expansion, acquisition or merger. The process can lead to monopoly if a company captures the vast majority of the market for that product or service

Video on-demand is a form of video media distribution that allows users to consume TV and movie content whenever they choose, instead of having to watch shows at a scheduled broadcast time. During the 20th century, the major form of media distribution was broadcast in the form of over-the-air programming.

Interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Media cross-ownership is the common ownership of multiple media sources by a single person or corporate entity. Media sources can include broadcast and cable television, film, radio, newspaper, magazine, book publishing, music, video games, and various online entities.

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