Monday, November 11, 2019

unit 20 AND UNIT 23 data for regulators advertising BARB etc

Data                                                                                                           11/11/19


RAJAR stands for Radio Joint Audience Research and is the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK. It is jointly owned by the BBC and the Radiocentre on behalf of the commercial sector.


The Broadcasters' Audience Research Board (BARB) is the organisation that compiles audience measurement and television ratings in the United Kingdom. ... Participating viewers have a box on top of their TV sets which tracks the programmes they watch.


The National Readership Survey is a joint venture company in the UK between the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, the Newspaper Publishers Association and the Periodical Publishers Association. It provides audience research for print advertising trading in the UK.

The websites are all well layed out and are easy to gain information from, this shows that print is not dead which is interesting as many people think it has.

The readership for the empire pair month is still over 250000 on print alone with a further 100000 on digital media such as pc or phone.


Our latest cross-platform audience readership figures, covering the period July 2018 to June 2019 (incorporating June 2019 Comscore data), show that 94% of British adults consume magazines and newsbrands content each month.

From PAMCo

1 48.5 million

2 989 million

3.20.4 hours per week  

4 Use a digital platform such as Dab, to listen on the go.

5 35.6%

6 21.2% because of the increase of streaming sites such of Spotify.

7 21.6, 26.9, 32.7, 32.9, 36, 36.6, 37.3, 40.6

8  25+

9 digital has the most as you can listen on the go. T.v has the least as it’s hard to listen without headphones and you must stay in one area.

10 Alexa and google mini yes I use Alexa every day to listen to Spotify.

11 At home with 68%

12 65% People like to be somehow stimulated when driving where they need to go so much is a good way of doing so. It also has the hourly traffic and other world news.     

 24 out of 24

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