Thursday, February 4, 2021

unit 23 Distinction evidence Researching Different Apprenticeships inc transcript

 Researching Different Apprenticeships

Researching different apprenticeships in unit 23. 

 Researching different apprenticeships in 

00:02 unit 23. 

00:03 as i was researching it it was a pattern 

00:06 to me that 

00:07 around my local area of liverpool and a 

00:10 little bit less local manchester 

00:11 there are a lot of places that offer 

00:14 media apprenticeships 

00:15 in liverpool we have the the bfi british 

00:18 filament institute 

00:19 which is based in fact which i've been a 

00:21 part of myself 

00:23 which gives you time to work with 

00:25 professionals on 

00:26 stuff like camera work and and being 

00:29 able to 

00:30 edit on professional sites which is 

00:33 always good

 00:34 and then obviously there's media city in 

00:36 manchester that offer the biggest amount 

00:38 of opportunities for young media 

00:40 students outside of london 

00:42 so if you're ever looking for a place to 

00:43 go that would be your place 

00:45 then things they look for in 

00:48 applications is professional type style of editing so 

00:51 whether that's 

00:52 going on to could expand from movie 

00:55 maker to 

00:56 photoshop to sony vegas and 

01:00 and you know just really express 

01:02 yourself within your work is something 

01:04 that when i was researching 

01:05 became quite a pattern was the 

01:07 importance to 

01:08 have faith in yourself and and look for 

01:10 your style 

01:11 you know we always look at say artists 

01:14 and even actors and say they have a 

01:17 distinct 

01:18 style or attribute that they're 

01:20 specifically good at 

01:21 and i want that to convey in my media 

01:24 blogger too i want you to see my 

01:27 um sort of personal way of looking at 

01:30 media 

01:31 for me i like to work like this you know 

01:34 talking 01:35 rather than expressing myself through 

01:36 through and writing 

01:38 so yeah that was a patent in my research 

01:41 was please be true to yourself 

01:43 and and do what works best for you and 

01:46 show your style to 

01:47 whoever it may be it might be an 

01:48 examiner or somebody you're trying to 

01:50 get into an apprenticeship just don't be 

01:52 scared and please put yourself out there

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